Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Two posts in one day- this may be the 1st and the last time that happens. I wanted to kick the blog off right. Every year during the school year you will probably have some sort of activity about America. Last year my son was in 1st grade- I was the classroom manager aka: room mom and I believe I did 3 different parties on America. Since it is 4th of July I thought I would share some of the things we did as well as give you ideas for this coming school year in case you have to plan one of these events.
The strawberry firecrackers are a family favorite to make every year! They are super easy and they will be a hit at any event!! I think Costco has the best strawberries (cut off the tops), melt white chocolate chips in the microwave- 30 seconds at a time (you don't want to burn it) buy blue sprinkles- Take the strawberry dip it 3/4 way into the chocolate then dip the strawberry with white chocolate into the blue sprinkles. Voila- you have an awesome 4th of July- yummy treat to bring to your party. Display on a platter and your friends and family will be in heaven.
The next picture are of these cute and very easy hats we had the kids make. It was a fun craft project and super easy. Get foam and cut it into strips - then buy the foam stickers in the shape of stars- have the kids decorate them as much or as little as they want. Then get pipecleaner- I just stapled them onto the band and then stapled it together so it would fit on the childs head. It was a lot of fun and super easy and inexpensive.
Thats all for now- have a wonderful 4th of July- I would love to hear what you like to do for the 4th of July!

My wish and purpose for doing this blog

So I have never blogged before and this will be my first entry ever to a blog. I set this up last summer and realized after doing so my life was way to busy to even imagine sitting down at the computer and trying to come up with something interesting to write about. Especially since I would not describe myself as a writer! I do enjoy reading other peoples blogs and all year I have had a nagging inside of me to become a part of this world. So here I am one year later...Since starting my business, Academy Attire and having my children attend a charter school I have met some amazing people and gone to some amazing schools. While doing this I have realized every parent and school are doing similar things yet we each are coming up with our own ideas with in our various schools. We are all reinventing the wheel. So I really want this blog to be about sharing great ideas about what you or your school is doing. If we work together I think some amazing things will happen. Hopefully you will feel inspired to share and we can do this together. Sincerely, Jennifer Townsend